Snarf - Arrak Bisa Ular

  • Snarf - Arrak Bisa Ular

Snarf - Arrak Bisa Ular

2012 / CDr - AD`032

Zac called this album "a prolonged sense of paranoia." This spooky set left me removing my headphones and checking doors and windows. Sprawling and patient, Snarf stuck with me for days. The hypnosis i entered was never a comfortable one, but it was never one I could pull myself from.
"Seth's Top 12 of 2012" Nr. 11/12!!!

Time for some really slow stuff from the Swiss trio, Snarf. "Arrak Bisa Ular" is a one track EP, clocking in at 32 minutes and it's band's third release. This is what you need to end your gloomy autumnal day. A dark, hypnotic, slower than it gets doom trip. Add a generous portion of serious fuzzy bass lines, a skull crushing guitar, lazy 'n' heavy drumming, some sinful languid vocal invocations and you're ready to go.

Schweiz: Neues aus dem Hause SNARF: "Arrak Bisar Ular" heisst das neue Werk des Schweizer Trios, dessen einziger, immerhin knapp 32-minutiger Track einen doomigen, hypnotischen, zentnerschweren Gitarrentrip präsentiert. Das schroffe Vibrieren der sechs Seiten wird durchsetzt von verhallten Vocals, klaustrophobischen Bässen und dramatischen Drums.
ECLIPSED MAGAZIN Nr. 144 (Okt.2012) (Bernd Sievers)

If you were to ask me to describe SNARF's latest release Arrak Bisa Ular in one sentence, I would answer, "A prolonged sense of paranoia". The recording is a thirty minute "monster-piece" that slowly winds in and out of dark caverns and underground pools of stagnat water. The entire experience is haunting and eerie, a psychadelic drone-er, and the only thing fuzzy is the bass line. The lyrics are soft sung and accompany plenty of bone-chilling reverb and distrortion. All which become a venom, gradually running through the blood of your veins ending in state of paralysis... Sound like your cup of tea? Get a copy from Acoustic Desaster Records.
HEAVYPLANET (Sept. 2012)

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